
Mtg all dredge cards
Mtg all dredge cards

mtg all dredge cards

It just fills up the bin with dorks as quickly as possible and abuses that mostly to make free weenies and wildly undercost fatties. So what is this deck? What is it doing and given all the problems with it I just stated, why? It started out life as a dredge deck in design and wound up being much more of an undergrowth deck. Most of the cards in this list are far too low powered an narrow to ever be in a drafting cube and trying to force them in would be madness! Lastly the mana for this deck is so demanding that you are going to really struggle without the premium lands and that is going to be incredibly hard to achieve in any sort of draft of cards.

mtg all dredge cards

A Leyline of the Void is probably just game over if you follow it with anything at all. A Tormod's Crypt is going to savage this list pretty hard. Or indeed in a draft where information is a thing. Mainly it is going to really struggle in a constructed event where any sort of sideboards exist. The deck has limited interaction which doesn't greatly help it but it has bigger problems than that.

mtg all dredge cards

I just don't see the occasion you can build or draft this kind of deck and have that be a good plan. While this deck might have been good it doesn't seem useful for anything much. Although I made a functioning deck I wound up massively culling all bar one of the dredge cards and wouldn't feel like it was missing much if the last one went as well. I still haven't but I have made the first bits of progress towards such ends. Dredge cards get used here and there but I have never made or seen a successful cube dredge deck in that style. There isn't the redundancy for such things and it would be wildly inconsistent as a result of just having singleton copies of the payoff and synergy pieces for lists like they have in vintage and legacy. I have never really managed to get a good cube dredge deck, which isn't a huge surprise.

Mtg all dredge cards